More than just a quick fix?

Travel is not longer a dream luxury for most people as it once was. If you become tired or bored of your regular routine, then you may be apt to take steps to create happy memories through travel. You don't have to go very far from what you know, but a change of scenery is supposed to help you relax and return to your previous life refreshed. To invest in life experiences is an accepted way to teach yourself to savor life. Does travel symbolize more to you than just a quick break from stress or an invigorating adrenalin fix?
Now, a quick survey reveals that large numbers of people do not believe they can afford to live life to the fullest because they're convinced its beyond their reach. More than half of people asked what they'd do with $15,000 replied they would spend it on a holiday rather than pay off debts or contribute it toward a mortgage. Does this mean people prefer to deny reality? I think of a magnet I've seen which reads, "life is uncertain, eat dessert first." Do you feel that way about instant gratification?
The ways people travel have changed and continue to change. We have gone from the horse and buggy to steam trains to high speed travel. When possible, people are choosing to go away more often, but for shorter breaks. More people would opt to work 4 day weeks and have longer, regular weekends. Even the Internet has significantly influenced the way people think about travel. We are all taking steps to redefine what is possible within our means or outside them.
More and more people will book and pay on-line and also arrange vacation experiences at the last minute, as opposed to planning far ahead. Does this reveal an increase in electronic customer confidence or does it reveal that people have less time in lines to see real people to book trips? The flexibility to search whenever, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, is good news for people with the impression they have less time to spare.
Booking tradtional travel has evolved to include thrill-seeker activities that become a way for weary people to get an energy boost that remidns them they're alive. Why not look up a half-day sailing trip, take a bungy plunge, short-term skydiving course, rally driving, diving experience. Even space tourism is coming to the masses which means the sky will no longer be the limit. Why not try everything at least once? Prices are often less than you think. Ask companies like Lonely Planet with over 600 destination country books alone. Where the will exists to travel, a way can be found, within almost any budget.
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