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Transcend your indignities

If you've never dreamed of approaching your wit's end, but wondered if you had anything more to lose, you may aim to make greater sense out of what you discern as apparently senseless suffering. Some people believe to live means to suffer and to survive hardship enables you to find meaning in suffering. When you imagine a purpose to your life, you might also imagine an eventual purpose would be served in dying. Yet, each person must follow a solitary path to self-discovery, and accept the responsibilities associated with embracing an inner sense of purpose.

Consider Viktor Frankle. He was a psychiatrist who lived through Auschwitz and watched his family and millions perish. His writing takes an uplifting view of our capacity, as human beings, to transcend any predicament, to accept ubiquity of suffering, and discover a sense of accountability for our lives. Among Frankle's books, his most well-known is called "Man's Search for Meaning." In it, he teaches us that no matter what our experiences, we can weave threads of pain into a solid pattern of new meaning and responsibility.

Move beyond initial shock to release and liberation. How will you grow to take more responsibility for your life, no matter how disconcerting your circumstances? If you evolve to feel worthy of your suffering, you realize you can rise out of the temporary gloom.  Tap into the reasons you feel motivated to endure and come out of your current difficulties.  You may have children or other loved ones who need you.  You may have a talent you have yet to fully develop or share.  You may have a wealth of ideas you plan explore, dreams to realize.  You may have past experiences worthy of keeping, savoring and expressing at a later time.

As you grow to desire to form a deeper relationship with yourself, you need to make room for revelations, to make room within yourself. The voice of silence can be the hardest one to hear. Learn that part of you is always witnessing your thoughts and feelings. If you feel depressed or uncomfortable in some way, and someone asks you how you know, you'll realize why and how. Your body will provide you with wisdom in forms of answers. Pay attention and listen to them. Exert effort to understand your reasons for humiliation, fear, anger, injustice or other indignities.

Let go of your pre-conceived notions. Take this opportunity to release judgement and practice unconditional forgiveness. Admit to yourself mysteries exist beyond the depth of your life experience. Can you trust without limits? Are you willing to take steps to heal yourself? Are you really home? As you come to know and admit why you feel how you feel, you penetrate to your core. You'll discover that you desire a mind that will be committed to your soul, committed to unveiling the flow of emotion and apathy about your unprotected and insecure life. Embracing vulnerability may be the key to transcending and growing stronger as a result of your indignities.

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