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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Face the music

On some level, each individual dreams of being an artist with limitless creative energy. Yet, many people prevent themselves from discovering and expressing their energy. Rather than learn the laws of life and inner balance and make choices to promote a sense of completeness, many people make decisions that don't embrace the source of their energy. How many people do you know who permit themselves to openly express what they think and feel without prejudice?

One reason why people hesitate to take risks involved is because they would have to look deep within themselves and face the music. Each of us would have to be willing to confront whatever we have refused to admit or acknowledge, whatever difficult situations or memories we have been ignoring. Only be embracing all emotions you experience, and learning to understand them, will you learn to accept even hidden or dormant parts of yourself. By choosing to explore this process, you will begin to connect with your true essence. As you build courage, you realize why you wouldn't ultimately like to settle for devoting yourself to anything else.

I know a politician who has developed impressive magician skills during his spare time. Although he will rent out his services intermittently for children's birthday parties and other events, he has not yet developed the confidence or initiative to promote his talent further or to develop other avenues. He prefers to spend most of his spare time learning new magic tricks to deceive his friends in jest. He hasn't yet taken his creative juices seriously, so as to focus his energies where his heart is.

I know a businessman stuck in a rut in a tech industry, who is also a thrill-seeker and adventure sport enthusiast. Although he has an extrovert personality, and the practical potential to build a new outdoor business, he refuses to swallow his pride. His mindset perpetuates a vicious circle of deepening problems. He hasn't yet realized that transferable skills he has gained and lessons he could learn would be well-suited to establishing new goals and taking new risks.

I met a taxi driver who nurtures an interest in carpentry work, and has taken some of his products to weekend markets. Reception has been positive, but he is shy and lacks faith in his abilities. He often wonders what his life would like if he was able to focus only on the primary source of his creative inspiration. He doesn't realize his self-defeating attitude holds him back. He hasn't developed trust in himself to explore real demand for his skills in building industries or other places. Nonetheless, he designs new creations to nurture a dream whenever he awaits his next fare.

I know a woman who has the ability to sing beautifully, but her mathematics degree led her to pursue a predictable career in teaching. Although competent and comfortable in a classroom, her fear of standing in front of large audiences has convinced her she could never pursue a musical career. Her embarassment has relegated her to singing talent in the shower, in the car, in parks, in cemeteries or, wherever she feels convinced she is alone.

Such examples remind us all that changing the way we regard our perceived talents and attitude, can change the way we value ourselves and our potential. Each of us has the power to transform our lives and the world with what we can offer, providing we don't convince ourselves that we can't. Realize that less value is found in holding onto unfulfilling lives than in devoting yourself to realizing dreams. How do you feel?

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