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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Rethink the power of giving

Whatever you have or have not achieved, you can find someone who has less than you.  You can find someone who is worse off, who isn't as healthy, who isn't as informed or as equipped to deal with life as you are.  How often do you reach out to find someone like that? What would compel you to give more of yourself, even if you didn't really feel you could afford to give anything? It's not simply a question of money or material things you could offer a stranger or someone you know. Consider the value of time, food, a gesture, advice or mentoring.  The sky is the limit.

Success is often associated with abundance.   What leads one person to be seen as successful and another person to be seen as unsuccessful? It has nothing to do with what each of us does per se.  It has to do with how a person sees him or herself and a particular awareness.  Each of us has the power to attract positive experiences and to learn to recognize them.  Rather than seek out something specific to do, why not decide to experience meaningful things? When you're engaged in what excites and motivates you, you're really being yourself. What are you being right now?

Think about the adjectives you use to describe yourself and what they say about how you really feel inside.  Have you ever said you feel "terribly good" or said someone is "awfully nice?"  Have you ever admitted feeling "not bad," "filthy rich" or "rather successful?" If you belittle yourself or others with your comments, then you undermine the whole concept of giving generously and push away rather than invite in your own realization of new kinds of success. 

Why is it do you think that messages about money can be negative and emotionally-charged? In order to rethink your position on money and success, it may be wise to forget many things you've ever been told about what others think is good or bad, and remind yourself energy takes varied forms.  You give or take energy from people in different forms and you're sense of value is as connected to your energy level as to your emotions.  Rather than define success via cultural myths, why not step out and redefine success on your own terms, by how happiness reverberrates back?

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