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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Just what you need to move ahead

1) What are the reasons you perform the job you have now?  It can also be framed as “what is the reason for reflecting on jobs right now” or “what task are you looking to accomplish” or “why are you here?” Few people have an accurate understanding of why they choose the jobs they do, why they choose to change at a particular time or remain in the same position without question.  This reflection is a fantastic way for you to find out critical details and move forward.

2) How have you exerted efforts to seek out more fulfilling tasks?  If you'd like more of a sense of progress, then you're going to love this step. This simple question asks survey takers to report their perception of their own effectiveness.  You can't rely on anything but honesty. Examine the sorts of things you have done, you do regularly and those things you would like to do. What is stopping you from moveing closer toward these goals? Are they as yet well-defined?

3) If you haven't accomplished what you set out to do, what's your explanation?  Gaining self- understanding, taking responsibility and accepting accountability for where you are will propel you forward.  Analysis for this question is done by organizing your responses into common themes and then rating them, prioritizing them, and uncovering any real explanations that may hide under prelimiary answers. In all likelihood, you have reasons for acting or not acting on impulse or feelings. Consider meaning behind your feelings.  Find new impetus to reframe your goals. 

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