Imagination is the road to reality

People who feel lost somewhere between fantasy and reality may not realize that imagination is in fact, the road to reality. Now if you say, "that sounds completely impossible!" I'd have to say, "Sorry, but you create who you are in your mind, and you create that doubt too."
What this means is that each time you write, you can re-create yourself like you're writing a character into a new story. If you're unsure about the reality you wish to live, then pick up a pen or pencil and outline what you'd like to be doing and where. This is not such crazy a thing to do. After all, if you truly desire to make an experience happen, you must clarify it as much as possible. This begins as an idea in your mind, but is made more real as you write and expand it.
You don't have to be an aspiring author to benefit from transcribing words and reflectong back. You don't have to choose to be overwhelmed. You can choose to use writing as an outlet for thoughts and reflection, as a vehicle for poetic self-expression, as a way to organize your life or to build on and share stories you may have long been storing in your mind. How you decide to draw from the power of words is indeed, completely up to you. The force and power of your visions has the power to transform your life. For whom is up to you. Why not begin right now?
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