Non-violent monks driven to vaccuum cleaners

A Buddhist temple in Malaysia has been invaded by large colonies of biting ants. You may think the solution is simple: step on them, spray them or rid yourself of them some other way. Those options may work for you, but calling an exterminator or killing creatures of any form aren't options for non-violent monks. Could you evolve to 'live and let live?' Do you always seek control? Would a vaccuum be enough for you?
More than one monk has been driven to employ a vacuum cleaner to capture the ants alive, but that strategy didn't work. The ants broke through the bag. In another case, they climbed the handle of a broom to bite a monk's hand. More ants continue to enter the building. They're smarter and more resilient than you might think. Some creatures aren't deterred by the way you wish to do things. They go about their own business and find ways around you or bite their way through. "Ouch!"
The chief monk told a Malaysian newspaper, "When an ant drops on you... you just have to shake it off." The thing is, when many ants are dropping on you and going further than causing havoc to your schedule, to taking over your home, and causing physical harm, what would you do? Nothing? This seems to be the approach of the Buddhist monks. It may be a new test for their patience. What about yours?
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