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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Just what you needed

A woman I know told me how guardian angels seem to be her saviour. One example was where she recently had a hospital appointment to get an x-ray of her knee. She arrived later than planned because of having been caught behind an accident on the road. She got a number from a dispenser and sat down to wait to be called.

As it happened, there were over 20 people ahead of her.  She was a bit frustrated because as a physician, she had morning meetings to attend and this waiting line was preventing her from caring for her own patients. She wasn't the type of person who would've pulled rank and budded in front of the other patients. So, she chose instead to sit patiently and go through some of her unopened mail. Imagine her surprise when less than 5 minutes later, her number was called. She jumped up to the registration desk. The receptionist herself was astonished. "I've never seen the machine skip 20 people before," she exclaimed, before going speechless. The female physician simply felt she had support from above. She had an x-ray and arrived at her meeting only 5 minutes late.

On other occasions, this same woman has wondered aloud how she would make time to phone a colleagues about patients between her overwhelming case load. Then, she would repeatedly find herself in the same place as these fellow physicians in a parking lot, in a grocery store or another setting where she could freely pose the questions that had been on her mind.

A similar occasion involved an auctioneer she wished to contact on behalf of her aging father, yet her late hours had forced her to keep postponing it. Low and behold, she found herself in the same resturant and was able to talk to him about the business that had been on her mind. He wasn't even sure why he'd chosen a restaurant on that particular evening. She thought it was her guardian angel who had intervened. Episodes such as these strongly reinforce her belief in Higher Forces. People simply continue to show up and good things happen just when needed.

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