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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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12 tips to rediscover success

Neale Donald Walsch offers 12 ideas to encourage each of us to reflect and rediscover success. According to him, we already know how to tap into success principles.  The more you repeat these concepts in your mind, the more you will create uplifting, harmonious realities. His key message is, "stop trying to decide what to do, and start choosing what you wish to be."

1) avoid negative thoughts.

2) change your mind consciously and immediately if negatives seep in.

3) begin to understand who you are, and honor and demonstrate that in choices and evolution.

4) love yourself completely, just as you are.

5) love everyone else fully, just as they are.

6) appreciate and be grateful for life as it is.

7) forgive everyone for everything.

8) never deliberately hurt another person /creature again (emotionally, physically or other ways).

9) never mourn the death of another person again (you might temporarily mourn your loss).

10) never fear or mourn your own death.

11) tune in to raise awareness that everything is vibration; all you think, perceive, say and do.

12) do whatever it takes to adjust your inner energy and life energy you create around you to create the most meaningful experiences you can possibly imagine.

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