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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Melt away stagnant choices

Each choice you make has a consequence.  These results can represent the stepping stones of success or, the choices themselves can also symbolize incremental examples of success.  Each choice can attract or prevent the kinds of success you desire for yourself.  If you continue to make the same kinds of choices and you're not obtaining desireable results, this is a sign you would benefit from heightened awareness.  It's your choice to learn to recognize these signs.

Success, therefore, may be experienced as you take responsibility for choices and decisions.    As you agree to be accountable for all your thoughts, feelings and actions, you also take advantage of learning as much as you can about who you really are, who you think you are, and whomever you choose to become.  You build courage to face fears, develop assertiveness and move ahead.

Yet, if you give the responsibility to others to make choices for you, then you also refuse to define your view of success, you refuse to take charge of your life and the pace of your own evolution. Melt away stagnant choices that hinder your personal development. Progressive movement in thoughts, words and action determines the direct ion of your growth.  Success begins inside as an attitude.  It can drive optimism, hope and creative visions to emerge.

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