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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Be true to yourself

I'm reminded that each person I meet is an invitation to change, to become a participant in a process that includes many more people around the world.  Good conscience is a sure reward.

I think of how meeting a businessman at a particular stage of my life enabled me to discover that I was limiting my choices based on what I knew about my potential to that point.  Coincidentally, I have a colleague who met a businessman and got into a new venture just before the colleague's initial business had to close down. A businessman you meet in passing can be an angel in disguise. 

I recall how sharing dinner with a psychology professor in a distant city enlarged my observations about humanity's evolution and my own kinds of attachments.  I had met that person on a plane.   Our few hours of discussions later that evening taught me a negative side of my determination.  That interaction taught me to distinguish and reflect on different levels of desire or aspiration.  I learned I could be true to myself while changing my mind about job, study and career choices.

A friend of mine reinforced her faith in strangers when she arrived at an airport and her luggage didn't follow.  Why was it that airline personnel were so understanding and provided her compensation when she temporarily had nothing to wear? Why was it someone kindly bought her a coffee and someone else paid her transit bus fare before she reached the gate to do it herself?  Somewhere inside herself, she decided not to try to control what was already out of her hands.  She didn't desire to get upset about her lost luggage, so she didn't.  She chose not to assume people were 'out to get her' and discovered the overwhelming desire of strangers to help. 

Rather than accumulate negative karma, you can chose the opposite and benefit from a strong of positive consequences. As you are true, as you believe in yourself, positive outcomes unfold. The guardian angels may appear in the form of strangers yet, your attitude can be another saving grace. Why not act as your own guardian angel? If you don't look out for yourself, how can you expect others to care? As you set an example, you may be surprised to see how you inspire others.

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