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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Rewind the express train

Today is a new day.  You are in a position to review your pre-conceived notions and their affect on your life choices.  How you have been conditioned to think in certain ways results partly from the education express train which has bombarded you with info through people, books and other media.  Stop this influx and mental digestion.  Switch control from full speed ahead into reverse.

When did you begin to feel you needed anything? Who told you this? You make decisions on a regular basis about people, places things and ideas that you convince yourself are needs.  What if you didn't require these things? What if your sense of dependence and judgment is unjustified?

At which point in your life did you first experience failure? What did this feel like? What circumstances and individuals reinforced your sense of discouragement? How did you react? Every moment your life is changing, moving in varied directions. You exert power and influence over how your life evolves and whether or not you perceive that it evolves at all.

Why might you feel a sense of inadequacy? Who has influenced your approval or rejection of yourself?  In what ways has your life experience affected your sense of purpose or lack of one?  Consider that your life experiences and role models shape whether you accept who you are.  Each of us latches onto images or visualizes ideals which motivate us to act or hold back.  What if your reasons for disappointment in yourself were themselves self-delusions?

Ask yourself what reasons you have to judge others and yourself? When you're treated by others, what causes you to react with anger, hatred, venom, condemnation or other negative feelings? Who have you known in your life who has set an example for you to behave in a critical manner? Consider that you teach yourself to treat people exactly how you think you deserve to be treated.  Reflect on why you feel you deserve to be treated with a lack of self-respect.

What reasons might you have to believe you are better or more of something than someone else?  How did you come to create or adopt a particular kind of hierarchy?  Who may have influenced your self view? Why do you sense you are necessarily wiser than other people? At designated points in your past, you have chosen to accept situations must be black or white.  Reflect on the possibility that situations and relationships are less definitive or 'clear-cut.'

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