Bring it to you

Has anyone ever taught you that you attract into your life opportunities, people, events and circumsatnces based on your plans and thoughts? If not, you're in luck! Your view can change.
If you don't understand this concept, you may think like David Shirmer used to think. He used to get piles of bills in the mail every day. He asked himself how he could change this into more appealing conditions. Since he realized the law of attraction influences how he thinks and what he experiences, he decided to concentrate his thoughts on what he felt he could receive instead. He decided to begin visualizing that he was receiving cheques via the post. He kept doing this. Now within one month of similar, consistent thoughts, his life began to change for the better. He is still astonished that even today, he still gets more cheques in the mail than bills. Have you tried it yet? If you haven't, isn't it time you did?
Actor-comedian Jim Carey struggled for years as an aspiring actor. He became very discouraged. Then, it all changed when he decided to write himself a cheque for 10 million dollars. He made it out to himself and signed it. Then, he put that into his wallet and carried it everywhere. After that, whenever he began to feel down, he disciplined himself to take out the cheque and remind himself what he really thought he was worth. This repeated exercise boosted his confidence and enabled him to attract opportunities and other wealth into his life. Of course, the success he has come to know also relates to attitude. He learned confidence is an asset we can develop in ourselves and being other positive experiences into our lives.
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