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Outwit Mother Nature

Blair Hill was born a deaf mute without ears whom physicians didn't expect to hear. Yet, his father Napoleon decided to instill in his son a strong desire to hear. The man refused to accept that his offspring was deaf, and, as the child grew older, it became clear he had a slight degree of hearing. When Blair's parents decided to buy a phonograph, it was like a new beginning for their son. He clenched his teeth on the side of the case and began to learn the power of vibration and the significance of bone conduction. He grew to hear his father's voice when his lips touched the boy's mastoid bone. Napoleon diligently devised stories that aimed to inspire self-reliance, imagination and a desire to speak and hear normally. At a young age, he ventured out into streets to sell papers and revealed himself as an ambitious, resourceful businessman. Late in college, he tried a new hearing device which enabled him to hear properly for the first time. Blair Hill became motivated to create and implement a hugely successful marketing plan that helped deaf people hear. He realized his goal to facilitate the miracle of human hearing.

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible. “ - Saint Thomas Aquinas

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Reader Comments (2)

I mis-read this the first time 'round to say they bought him a photograph, not phonograph! :) The latter does make much better sense in this case, tho it was a bit funny picturing young Blair clenching his teeth on the side of the case that for some reason contained the photograph. :)

This post reminds me of the power of believing what is possible -- making amazing things happen.

My first time hearing of Blair Hill. Enjoyed learning! I bet the person who invented Braille was pretty awesome too. And I wonder if his last name was Braille? Sounds French. Or Scottish.

June 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, its intriguing to recognize that you are an extension of source energy much like everything else. That is, suggesting you can outwit Mother Nature is like saying you outwit yourself. As you come to recognize who you are and the implications, self-recognition enables yo uto apprecaite everything and everyone on a whole new level.
June 27, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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