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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Deja-vu on a bicycle

A friend shared a miraculous story with me that involves her family twice spared from tragedies with children over a period of months.  She believes that a guardian angel twice saved the day.

In the first case, when she was an infant, her mother strapped her into her carseat and placed her brother beside her with a bag of lollies. The mother got into her car, started it and headed off down the road.  Much to the woman's surprise, the back door of her car flew open on the side where her son sat.  As he hadn't been wearing his seatbelt, he fell out onto the road and screamed on impact. The mother screached the car to a halt, jumped out, and ran to her son.  All he could scream was, "I want my lollies!" He didn't notice the bloody cuts.  At that moment, a kind woman arrived on her bicycle. She turned out to be a nurse and knew exactly what to do.  Then, the nurse rode way as quickly as she had appeared.  After that incident, the mother didn't try to find this nurse. She felt the nurse had been in the right place and was silently grateful.

Months later, the same woman and the same car had another close call. This time, her infant  niece locked herself into the car and struck a match. The chold lit herself on fire which led to third degree burns.  The aunt (owner of the car) smashed the back window and reached in to save the girl, and at the same time, got third degree burns herself.  Just then, the same nurse rode over the hill on that familiar bicycle the woman river remembered from the incident with her son.  Again, the nurse conveniently offered very specific health advice about how to deal with the burns.  Then, the nurse rode off again.  This time, the child's aunt tried to find the nurse to thank her, but never found her. To this day, the family believes in guardian angels.

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Reader Comments (2)

Sounds like that family really needed a guardian angel!

I tend not to notice any of my little aches and pains either, as long as I've got a bag of lollies at my side! :)

June 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Jannie, these are indeed miraculous stories that are true. You can also choose to view everyone as an angel in disguise with the ability to help you help yourself. As you reflect back on your life, know many angels cross your path. As you view everyone through the lens of the heart, you feel the loving intentions and presence of the angel within, regardless of apparent external appearances. Truly wise people are projections of our inner being.
June 30, 2012 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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