Mysterious, helpful strangers

Who are those people who seem to appear just when we need assistance and then disappear back into the woodwork? You hear about roadside rescues on abandoned highways, people who offer you that extra amount of money you need for the parking meter or grocery bill when a line of impatient peole give you the evil eye. You may perceive these as good fortune or godsends. Yet, could these incidents be more than that, gestures which renew your faith in people and your sense of hope about your future?
I recall a time when I lived in France. I was returning home late at night by the Champs Elysees metro and walking down the road alongside Le Grand Palais museum. I came across a homeless man on a bench whom I hadn't seen before. I was familiar with another homeless man whom I saw regularly near my place and offered him fresh fruit or whatever food I had. This wasn't him.
The man on the bench wore simple clothes and said things to me which captured my attention.
"You know what you need to do. Your place isn't here because..." and he proceeded to tell me intimate details about my life which still baffles me to this day. His eyes were a deep blue and reflected genuine compassion. He went on that what I was doing wasn't what I was meant to do.
"You'll be leaving soon, " he said, though his sense of time might've been different than mine. "Your life is unfolding somewhere else."
From the moment he started speaking to me, it appeared that time stood still. I sat beside this friendly stranger and listened to him tell me that my sense of success at the time was somehow misdirected. He told me a fable and then asked me if I wished him to read my palm. I nodded.
"All I need is a bit of salt," he replied. I explained that I lived nearby and would go fetch some. I scurried off, passing the familiar homeless man asleep around a corner behind the refuse bin. When I returned to the bench with the salt, the man from under the streetlamp was gone.
I never have gotten that experience out of my mind. His kind words still echo in my head. That mysterious, helpful stranger was very accurate in his assessment of my life at that time. When I've mentioned this experience to a handful of people, they suggest I must've been dreaming. Perhaps I was visited by another angel who was offering me the chance to redefine my sense of success. I read between the lines of our brief conversation and listened to my heart. He was like a sounding board in passing which resonated feelings in my conscience. It wasn't long before I did leave France. Low and behold, my life took very different and exhilarating turns. My view of success today is very different. I moderate extreme passions and listen to my inner soul.
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