Limitations are illusions

Friends may confide in you that they have dreams of plans they currently postpone. Surprisingly, many of the reasons they offer for not taking risks are based on their underlying fears they often refuse to admit. You may not realize fear fuels every imagined limitation and they are human inventions. We attract and create our own sense of limitations based on what people tell us.
I recently spoke with a talented sidewalk artist. He was designing chalk images comparable to the paintings of the Sistene Chapel in Florence, Italy. This man admitted he struggled financially to survive. Nonetheless, whenever he had a spare moment, he ventured out into the city. He desired to advertise his talents to the public and take initiatives to seek new commissions. He takes risks to show and promote what he thinks he can do and he also accepts and grows from critics. He believes that he has the abilities to rise above his own perceived limitations, and he backs up his beliefs with actions to prove what is truly possible.
How many people will tell you they plan to do something or have thought of doing something yet, have yet to do that thing? Robert Bateman is a Canadian nature artist who chose to become a highschool teacher after university. He didn't believe that his artistic talents would enable him to support himself. So, he decided not to take the risk and chose instead an easier, predictable road. Years later, he gave up teaching and decided to focus on his passion for nature sketching and painting. Funny, he sketched and drew during his spare time thoughout his teaching career. He grew to love and appreciate his talents in new ways and rose to a higher level of awareness about taking risks.
For years, I recall speaking to people about writing books. Many people will say how much they would like to do such a thing, but they often hold themselves back. They explain why they don't have the time, don't have the patience or commitment. I've been asked about the process of writing a book and seeking an agent and publisher after I've experienced those things myself. I've shared my own story and explained the difference between thinking and doing is only the action steps. For anyone who has postponed a dream, realize that it is well within reach. All you need to do is embrace the learning process and do some research about details you have yet to learn. People who realize dreams are open-minded and willing to make mistakes as they move ahead.
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