So you tell me I can't?

If you asked any of my teachers back in school how they thought my life would evolve, they may not have been able to give you a decisive answer. Yet, they would have described traits and qualities they saw in me that showed I was very determined to accomplish what I set out to do. Over the years, I've been privileged to meet people who have inspired me with their reactions to people who told them they didn't have the abilities to do certain things. Consider the results.
One girlfriend I've known since 1986 transformed her life in highschool. She went to visit a guidance counsellor to express an interest in applying to university. Friends tried to discourage her. Her family also had qualms. Nobody in her family had ever attended university. At the time, this friend of mine had a "C" average and a few grades higher and lower. The guidance counsellor glanced at her grades and told her she wasn't smart enough to attend university . She was advised to lower her goals so she wouldn't be disappointed. My friend went home, initially discouraged. Yet, a voice inside told her she was capable of attending university. She chose to listen to that voice, raise her standards and graduate with a B average that enabled her to win a university scholarship.
During my travels, I met a Scottish man who emigrated with his family to Australia. He was an auto mechanic for over ten years and then decided he's had enough of that. People around him questioned what else he could do. After all, whay would he give up the security of a permanent job? He felt he had the ability to achieve other levels of success. He decided that he desired true life change. He didn't assume change would be easy, or that it could happen overnight. In fact, he sensed that he would have issues to address and work through. The important thing was he decided he would become his own boss. He then launched his own business which brought him face-to-face with many obstacles. All-the-while, this Scotsman didn't dwell on the negative, but went about his tasks with faith and hope. Before long, he attracted opportunities and people into his life and he was able to better himself. He invited positive events and they unfolded before his eyes.
Success comes in different packages. In each of these stories mentioned above, if the individuals hadn't decided to chage their attitude and goals, then nothing about their circumstances would've changed. If you have a dream, take advice from Sir Winston Churchill who said, "Never Give Up!" If you don't currently have a dream or project that motivates you, what are you waiting for? It's never too late to change your life for th better. All of that begins inside yourself.
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