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Realize mistakes don't exist

How often have you felt as though "success" is beyond your reach? You may be the sort of person who assumes you've made too many mistakes.  What if such perception is flawed?  Perhaps its time you realized mistakes don't exist.  You may choose to obscure a truth you don't wish to see.

If you decided to change you perspective, imagine how your life would change.  From the moment you choose to believe that every choice you make has benefits, that your choice to live itself is a version of success, then you will value each experience differently.  What if you decided mistakes were some crazy thing you invented to cause yourself to forget you are successful just as you are? 

Many people overlook that success is based primarily on how a person thinks.  It is grounded in deciding how happy and complete you choose to feel as you are. It isn't based on what you're taught. Success doesn't have to relate to what you can or can't buy, to people you do or don't know, to the nature of reaching particular goals or not. It is grounded on a state of being, on the energy you emit from inside. 

In a nutshell, your mission or life purpose is what you choose to make it. If, at different periods of your life, you choose to change your path or goals, that's simply another facet of your success. It takes courage to reframe yourself, to take steps you haven't taken before, to realize you are no longer the person you used to be. Nobody judges you but yourself. Only you can let go of it and rethink all you are.

Remind yourself that your idea of mistakes may just be other people's projections of what they fear they aren't prepared to do. What works for you, what makes sense to you, will not always make sense to other people.  That's okay.  You define your own success.  Be happy.  Accept yourself.    Mistakes don't exist. They are only a form of your fear. You are ready to move ahead. Success is only a thought away. Begin now.

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Reader Comments (4)

aha, Liara:

Your article pushes the envelope. I've been pondering about about this topic and will write shortly. What in your view, is the best way that a person can learn to re-frame their experiences? BTW, I love your mission statement.
Hi Galba.
A good way to start is to ask yourself why you assume you make mistakes in the first place. Re-examine why you automatically make negative assumptions. What or whom conditioned you to think this way? Remind yourself of the flip side. Its always possible to teach yourself focus on the beneifts of everything.

One suggestion is to make a list of experiences that you perceive as mistakes. Your reflex thoughts are based on what you've been told or choose to believe. You can decide not to simply accept what you've been taught. You can reframe experiences based on what you learn and gain. Coaching can also help you retrain your mind.
December 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
Hello Liara:

Thanks for your guidance. I appreciate it.
Hello Liara:

Thanks for your guidance. I appreciate it.

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