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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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4 Ideas to help you cross that bridge

In order to become what you truly wish to be, it’s vital to become aware of who you are right now, even if you notice things you don't like. To raise awareness of situations and feelings you have avoided facing is to begin to recognize you have the power to change. It’s uplifting to realize that as your consciousness evolves, you may choose to change. Your views of the world will also evolve with you.

1) Consider the possibility ‘another way exists.’ Why is it your mind may wander to think you’re dissatisfied or lacking somewhere? Why is it you feel compelled to judge others or worry that you’re inadequate? You could choose to rethink any sort of negativity and concentrate instead on all your blessings. This reminds you that you must choose to participate in a different kind of life rather than simply seek it. Only then you'll discover what you think and need is with you at all times.

2) Re-evaluate what you see as important. How often do you spend time on “non-essentials?” Many people tend to get worked up or worry about situations that have no meaning or real impact on the flow of their lives. Was that a just passing fancy? Are you highly-aware of what you have an don’t? Materialism and anger have no connection to your soul, your unconditional sources of love and inner joy.

3) Examine addictive mental patterns. When was the last time you succumbed to fear or a sense of separation from where you had hoped to be? If you have a habit of giving into thoughts of fear, you would benefit from developing spiritual discipline. That is, you need to remind yourself of your ability to control your thoughts and move beyond ego. Bliss is the experience of truly being. Stop putting things off.

4) Shift your perception from fear to love. What would happen if you made the conscious choice to love everything about your life for what it is? You would invite only love. Every experience is an invitation to explore deeper into your true self, to become wiser and more loving. Lessons await you wherever you are. Are you willing?

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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Liara,

You raise some excellent points. I relate to points you raise in the first paragraph:
"it’s vital to become aware of who you are right now, even if you notice things you don't like."

In my opinion, this is a first step to happiness & connecting with your soul. The second is to recognise those things and do something positive about them.

Also, I like comment # 2, "materalism & anger have no connection with your soul." I agree and would add all negative emotions including hate, fear, ego & jealously are not necessary & only hinder your progress towards spirituality.

Many thanks for your words of wisdom.
November 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSaintly
Saintly, your views are always welcomed. As we each raise awareness at our own pace, we discover that sometimes we may have issues or feelings we would prefer to ignore or forget. Whatever areas of your personality need healing, the Universe will influence circumstances to help jog your memory. No perceived weakness has to hold you back. All you must do is realize you limit yourself until you choose to deal with it.
November 29, 2007 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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