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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Allow growth lessons to come to you

The desire to improve your life is a stepping stone.  You also need to be open to changing how you think and feel.  To be willing to release negativity, dark or heavy feelings and events past, is part of the process of evolving into a better you.

1) Choose to forgive another person for what was committed against you.  If someone has irritated or harmed you, be willing to release anger that arises when you think about the person or situation.  As you let go of jealousy or resentment, you'll begin to sense what it means to be purified, uplifted and energized by love.

2) Choose to ask for assistance and expand on your emotional intelligence.  Its a question of recognizing you wish to better understand why you feel as you do in specific circumstances.  You can refer to books, participate in forums, meditate and consult experts.  Each method will help you shed light on "why?" and "what next?" 

3) Choose peace of mind in exchange for releasing negativity.  No matter what your current conditions, you always have choices.  These choices are limited or enlarged based on your mind and your expectations.  As you learn to see the positive, opposite feeling for each negative one that initially seems to control you, you also learn to temper intense or destructive feelings while you create serenity. 

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Reader Comments (4)

Hi Liara,

Thanks for the reminder.
As for the second point, I prefer to use the pendulum method. :)
November 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRaymond Chua
Raymond, good to hear from you!
As you point out, consulting Higher Forces is another effective way of obtaining advice or assistance. Popular approaches include talking with angels, dowsing (using a pendulum), consulting stars (i.e. horoscopes or a psychic), and getting a card reading (i.e. tarot, oracle or angel cards). Whichever route you choose, the key is to be open to listening to yourself. After all, input you receive from external sources will reflect how you feel inside, even if you don't yet recognize or accept it.
November 28, 2007 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Great post! I always like to believe that angels are with me every second and they help the wisdom within me to uncover itself, and that most often turns out to be the right choice for a given situation!
June 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterahtisarp
ahtisarp, as you open to the positive energy within and all around you, it grows clear that you are not grasping everything that exists or everything that is going on. You only ever sense what you are consciously willing to accept. Everyting else is pushed aside, just for now.
June 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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