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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Set your mood to set the stage for success

Your mood tells you a lot about the kinds of of subjects activated in your mind.  What you think about is what you will experience. You set your mood and this sets the stage for events you invite and expect. Whatever your perceived reality, or sense of success right now, your mood can be consistently changed, if you choose.

You may not realize you don't deliberately offer thought, but gravitate to think about whatever happens around you. When did you last review your mood or "emotional point of reference" for success? Its in your interest to examine any emotions that prevent or hold you back from realizing dreams. Consider these five questions:

1) What might trigger insecurity? If you had an experience where you lost a deal or someone you loved, it may have escalated to where you now expect negative or undesirable outcomes. You may always worry when someone you cherish travels, imagining you will lose another person or something else you value. Reflect back and work through reasons for such feelings. What would it require to feel secure?

2) What might trigger emotional vulnerability? If you've ever had relationships where you were 'let down,' exploited, betrayed or, attracted unreliable people, then your abilities to trust and delegate may have been affected. Why might you see yourself as a victim? As you seek greater success in your relationships, its advisable to begin with a review of self-acceptance, self-image and self-worth. If you're unhappy, how can you expect other people to feel happy or complete with you?

3) What might trigger health fears? If you generate fear regarding any aspect of your health, then you stifle health and healing. Did anyone you know experience major pain and suffering? Do you assume certain family ailments are hereditary? Do you anticipate dying young because your relatives did? How else would you explain your fear-producing reactions? If you desire health and well-being, you need to uncover why you don't think you deserve it. Reality begins and ends with you.

4) Why might you feel powerless?  You need to understand that you control what you observe, what you envision, and how you feel. Its important to resist blaming and scapegoating. Channeling energy in such directions simply deprives energy from the direction you really want. If you only respond to what you observe, then you have not yet learned that success comes from separating yourself from external events.

5) What might explain your low expectations? Are you brainwashed? Have you ever been warned you'll have trouble with your kids? that your partner will leave? that you'll never make enough money to pay bills? that you'll never change? that you aren't smart enough to learn new skills? that your physical body is worn out or will never heal? that you shouldn't expect to do better than anyone you know? Unhappy people project low vibrational energy. You can transcend it. Simply decide not to listen.

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