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Use ESP to increase your abundance

Your natural desires are good. Any desire to improve your health, conditions, to grow spiritually or otherwise, can all increase energy flow all around you. This same energy flow determines other kinds of prosperity and a sense of blessings in life. Money is an invention and only one potential side of abundance. Are your views attracting the wealth you want? If not, what will you do about it?

How you choose to use the power of intention takes form in what you choose to think about. You may ask how you're supposed to know what you want. How much money? What other kinds of abundance? You do. You may temporarily forget or be in denial. Simply realize your own ESP can increase your abundance. You already foresee what's happening and what will happen. Learning "how" is part of a process. Deciding whether you desire to change views on wealth is part of your own process.

1) Ask for & accept divine protection. Visualize how a loving, white light surrounds you at all times. You can make it a regular habit to ask for protection from the light. This will allow you to block out negative thoughts and experiences. Protecting your spirit in this way is like extending protection to include the physical world.

2) Dwell on the positive. Events, relationships and situations unfold in your life based on your awareness and how you harness currents of thought. To dwell on positive results brings more of what you want in different forms. Clear out old associations concerning " not enough." Know you have it already.

3) Choose to nurture good feelings about wealth. As you associate wealth with things like increased personal effectiveness and really uplifting feelings, this will attract increasing riches in varied forms. You'll recognize new opportunities, develop stronger, healthier relationships, and note that ideas and prospective sources of income show up. Its like divine magic and results from using your inner power.

4) Believe in infinite flow from the Source. When you genuinely realize more than enough of everything exists, you will truly begin to tap into the infinite flow. Find balance between gratification and over-indulgence. Balance begins in yourself. How you react to money, health, joy and bliss can transform you.

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Reader Comments (2)

Great tips. I always try to remember that wealth comes in many forms besides monetary :)
November 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJenny
Hi Jenny.
To consciously create abundance for others, that is, by sending love, forgiveness and positive thoughts, you will also invite good things toward you. As you choose to be honest and follow your passions, you'll naturally discover ways to generate money.
November 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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