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Liara Covert, Ph.D

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Telepathic brainwaves jumping your way

When you think of telepathy, you may think of science fiction scenarios like those of Star Trek or the film called The Matrix. Your mind might wander to the unusual life experience of psychic intuitives, energy healers, clairvoyants and indigo children. You may think about people who claim such abilities or even demonstrate clear aptitudes. What would you do with them? Would you transcend your ego?

If you seek to develop telepathic skills, or discover you have some ESP already, what kinds of things would you do with it? Would you seek to help others? Sure, you could read Help Yourself with ESP (Revised Prentice-Hall, 1999) by Al Manning or other books you could find on the subject. Yet, shouldn't intuition be your guide?

Dean Radin has a great new book called Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in Quantum Reality (Paraview Pocket, 2006). Even New Age physician and writer Deepak Chopra thinks this book reminds us how parapsychology is becoming more of a mainstream science. Many people believe that when scientists pick up on a topic and devote increasing time, energy and finances to research it, then the general public might perceive it with more credibility. What is your view?

Another book of note is The Divine Matrix: bridging time, space miracles and belief by Gregg Braden (Hay House, 2006). It examines how from 1993 -2000, a series of earth-shattering experiments offers dramatic evidence of a web of energy that connects everything in our lives and our world. What if it this Divine Matrix determines whether and if so, how we heal our bodies, discern success in work, create relationships, other pursuits, and nurture inner and/or world peace?

New evidence reveals we each hold the power to speak directly with the mind to the force that links creation. This jumps beyond ideas compiled in Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. Would you like to tap into it? What would it mean to discover you could create more joy, heal suffering, and bring peace lives around you? Foresee it. How might you live if you knew how to focus this energy every moment of every day? How would that redefine meaning for you? even reframe your view of career?

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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Liara! Good evening!

You know honestly, I think I would continue to live my life similar to they way I live it today; as it comes.

I know there are certain steps that have to be made in order for us to learn our life lessons. I also know that if I used my intution about everything, I may skip out on some building blocks.

Wishing you a blessed weekend!
October 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLucid
Hi Lucid!
Its splendid when you feel comfortable enough with who you are that you don't feel a pull to change drastically. To remain open to learning as you go is what enables you to discern the subtle nuances of life lessons. When we sense the desire to evolve, and do, at our own pace, this is incredibly uplifting.

As you say, intuition is only part of who we are. I agree more than one way exists to learn. If we closed ourselves off to possibilities, we would miss out on valuable opportunities for self-discovery. May your life choices continue to uplift your soul.
October 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert

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