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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Losing your mables or discovering more?

Its common to misplace things, from your favorite sunglasses to a single glove, a lone shoe or even a wooly sock. Yet, how often do you mysteriously find things? Not only those things you thought you'd lost, but also things you never knew you had? Its often empowering to find things, especially during those 'eureka' moments where it seems like magic. But, did you ever wonder how they appeared? Why is it you just happened to notice them? Do you think anything or anyone helped somehow?

As a child, you may have heard stories about the pixies walking off with the kitchen scissors or, whatever items children and adults sought to find.  You may have imagined what happened and told whoppers.  I liked the myth of the bottomless, hollow tree trunk. This was where all lost items were supposedly stored by magical creatures for their use in due time. After all, I thought, aren't we meant to share?

In present day, have you ever found marbles in the garden or backyard? On separate occasions, I awoke to discover glass marbles on my back deck. They seemed too heavy to blow in from nowhere.  We often take it for granted that much of our adult world has been explained by logic or science. The best remedy for rigid views is to take a closer look at remaining mysteries from the perspective of a child. The deepest challenges to our understanding of this world may require reverting back to our innocent, and deconditioned past, in order to embrace the truth.

Your adult instinct may assume a feedback loop. Believe in energy flow and laws of attraction? Since you create what you perceive, you may will such glass marbles into being. Your own humor may project, take this physical form to remind yourself that you're not 'losing your marbles.' Yet what if it was magic, and you were conjuring something up? This would prove you that you have more marbles than you thought!

Angels and fairies also work in their own mysterious ways. They draw our attention to situations with their own playful logic. Angels are known to remind us humans when we've been working too hard or not spending enough time on fun, leisure or amusement. They urge us to create more free moments to savor simple pleasures. They guide our choices toward greater balance and happiness. Do you read the signs?

Recreation nourishes the soul and enables us to step outside rigid mindsets of deadlines and competition. Remembering how to have fun brings back an incredible lightness of being and energizes us to reach goals refreshed with a more focused mind. Do you sense you have more than enough marbles or, plan to discover more?

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