Be an Explorer

To devise and develop new ideas, you need information to draw from; feelings and experience. How do you obtain emotional knowledge? You can search in the same old places. You can speak withe same people you always have. You can re-read books you have read before. Yet, you're much more likely to find original gems if you head 'off the beaten path.' Take a chance. Step outside your area of expertise. Reach out to meet people. You'll make new kinds of discoveries. You can apply what you learn to other areas of your life.
A resourceful explorer has the attitude that answers to your dilemmas are always available. It's simply a matter of taking steps to investigate, perceive differently and find what you need. Open your mind to people, places and things that have no apparent connection to the problem you seek to solve. The more diverse your approaches, the more unique your suggestions will turn out to be. If you've never gone in a particular direction looking for answers, you'll be surprised at what you till discover there.
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