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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Are you being tested?

Do you ever get the impression that something is testing you?

You know, maybe it's been one of those days.

You didn't intend to invite so many challenges...

Yet, you felt rushed, skipped breakfast and then, forgot that important document. 

To top it off, while driving to work, you were pulled over and booked for speeding.

Then, just as you got going again, the car had perfect timing to run out of gas. 

What about the mobile battery dying and no traffic in sight.

Sound like your lucky day?  What did you get out of it all?

You're supposed to be learning that each event prepares you for coming events.

You're supposed to learn to stretch your limits, endurance, patience.

Your supposed to believe in your potential to learn from what happens and do better next time.

Imagine you arrived at your office late at night before  a deadline to discover someone had changed all the locks and neglected to tell you. Would that also be a test? Of course! Run with it!

It would simply a new opportunity to calmly adapt to your circumstances and move forward.

You may not understand completely how, but you've earned each of your trials and your faith will help you get something meaningful out of them. 

You lack nothing.  You have the tools and the ability. Each test makes you stronger.

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