Dream jumper, dream walker or teleporter?

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Canada.
Dream- I walked beside a fast-moving river near trees. A familiar man walked across from me on the other side. I looked for a bridge. We found the bridge and met face-to-face.
Location shifted to an auditorium, I sensed two of four white walls around me were shields. A big man in dreadlocks turned out to hide a dog under his long coat. He thought dogs were forbidden in the hostel. He tried unsuccessfully to hide dog in a soda vending machine. I said he did not have to. He was glad.
Then, I turned, jumped through the wall and was in the kitchen of a friend. She had just remoddelled. White and brown cupboards lined wall opposite to the one I came through. Immaculate. She pulled out a sliding drawer. I saw man from bridge leaning against far wall. My friend did not see him.
Next, I walked through the wall to find myself in a stage dance show. No clue what I was doing there. Felt loss of control. Flashy costumes did not suit my personality. Energy was intense. I sensed roles shift at carnival. I wished myself away.
Note Dream body sensations & perceptions; weightlessness, movement, vision, shifting levels vitality
Interpretation-dreamwalking, jumping and teleporting are reality for certain beings. Teleportation is where physical matter is dematerialized at one point and recreated at another. This happens on the physical plane. Lighter energy moves in dream realms. Dreamwalking and jumping are possible was one grasps lucid dreaming. Presumed limits in the physical do not apply in other realms. You transcend logic and laws there.
As mind grasps the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self, consciousness shifts. One view is every dream element reflects aspects of repressed or ignored inner selves. You give each object or feeling meaning. Another view is foreign entities or spirit take form and formless states to watch and sometimes help you. Ask why you go where you go.
Dreams are like doorways to places where you explore abilities. To understand and experience more than one energy realm suggests you are never alone, whatever journeys you take. To note the presence of something or someone could be a shadow, ego, split soul or whatever else makes sense.
Different levels of conscious dreaming exist. These range from being aware you are dreaming to being able to control some dream actions, to ultimately disciplining capacities to control all dream events or environments. As a dreamer masters certain skills, he discerns how and when to take full control of dream events and when to not control or, to allow the subconscious mind to take charge. Every dreamer is a participant and observer to things not noticed by mental radar.