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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in seer (6)


Trigger divine revelations

Oracles are also known as seers. Some human beings assume seers know what is yet to happen. Those who attune to energy sense more possibilities than those persons who are less aware of energy flow. Part of you already asks yourself how you could trigger your own divine revelations. Another part of you knows;

1) Its a reverse process. You must let go of thoughts and feelings that block what you already hide and know. Only then will you open inner doors of self that you temporarily closed.

2) Accuracy is relative. What you sense unfolding is based on current awareness, perspective and insight. As you evolve, revelations evolve. How you view relevance begins inside.

3) Consciousness shifts. A human being does not trigger your direct awareness of anything. Your sense of connection with truth emerges, regardless what others describe. Some beings read energy vibes effectively and help expand your consciousness. Whatever your own experience, when you’re caught up in a vision, its what you try to prove is real.

4) Move beyond words. What anyone writes or says is heresay unless you evolve to experience similar phenomena. You my or may not relate. Words only prove someone wrote them sometime. Sensing energy goes beyond physical words.

5) Proof evolves in experience.  No one proves to another person God or higher beings exist, and no one can prove they do not.  Whatever you experience becomes your reality. Whether you accept or reject experience is something else.

6) Open yourself wider. Each person has to rely on his own personal awareness and pay attention to what is real if he wants to find truth.  As you open yourself to the truth of what is, what exists in reality may expand based on what shows up.

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