See reality as it is NOW
Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 10:44AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Three Principles, consciousness, energy, eternal, integration, mind, physical iemension, psychological, reality, recognition, vibration

Notice the revelation nothing in the world actually needs to be fixed. Rather, our projections create illusory versions of reality that require recognition, defrag and integration. True nature never loses touch with perfection, regardless how world events unfold. Our perception arises from dominant energy vibrations within us. The balance or harmony of dischordant energy within us will end illusory reality.
Simply focus on "The Three Principles" — Mind, Consciousness, and
Thought. These are the basic forces responsible for the creation of life and all of our psychological experiences. They comprise the eternal backdrop behind physical existence. This dimension of life is formless, unchanging, eternal, always here.
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