New Shumsky Book: Maharishi & Me
Sunday, February 25, 2018 at 6:40PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Divine travels, Maharishi and Me, Master Time, Mastering Time, New release books, Susan Shumsky, divine revelations, testimonials

Know the masses of Dreambuilders Australia Blog readers are eager to hear about book recommendations.

Great news! Susan Shumsky has a new book out as of February 20th called Maharishi and Me. Invite you to send the link to her promotion page to everyone you know. She has written a huge number of books,offers a wealth of insight on spiritual matters and shares views perspectives with engaging wit and humor:

You may recall I interviewed her on this blog in 2009 related to her book Divine Revelations:

I participate in Susan Shumsky's book launch because I support the way she empowers others to live fully.  She also  runs the Divine Travels Company to invite people to sacred places which trigger their own spiritual revelations.   


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