Accept the soul invitation
Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 10:59AM
Liara Covert in Life Lessons, authentic power, choice, control

When a situation triggers an undesirable emotional response, accept the soul invitation to examine why you are affected.

You may be surprised to discover multiple meaningful lessons. To raise awareness of lessons is the key to dissolving the apparent source of discomfort.  It is seldom what you presume.

1) Realize external conditions only change when you are willing to be completely honest and change inside yourself. 

2) Notice people shift how they relate to you based on how you show compassion and detach from desire for approval.

3) Recognize your conscious and unconscious choices create conditions so you experience control and being controlled.

4) Know you have within self a source of guidance to help you manage effectively any situation that presents on your path. 

Lesson of the moment: "True power comes in direct proportion to the amount of responsibility we are willing to accept for ourselves." -Nancy DeYoung

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