As you realize energy expands from your personal vibration, you grow aware that conscious intention brings into being and also dissolves all experience. Situations arise not because you attract them. You choose to identify what is already available within your energetic field. As you notice the mind and soul are aligned, everything you focus on is part of your normal.
Notice why you are fighting or searching. As the searching stops, the thinking also stops. You come full circle. Consciousness is never absent. You recognize who you are and feel success. Thinking is triggered by emotion. Both can seem like noise. These are categories you create, merely versions of reality. You step back to realize you think yourself into being.
Take this further. As you learn to engage more consciously with abilities and opportunities you already have, you also begin to detach from feelings and patterns that do not serve you, like fear. As you reinforce a perception of reality that uses unlimited love to help others, you glimpse directions that empower, encourage and inspire the self too. When choices grow from love, they build higher frequency. This nurtures faith in intuition. The mind expands.
In my case, one example of loving myself echoes in writing. A turning point for me was when I submitted a piece to a peer review. That led to being invited to a conference in a foreign country to share my insight, and genuinely value others' work. Positive energy reverberrated when I met a man in a public bus. Trust and the universe responds.
Anyone familiar with The biggest risk ever series of posts knows core energy vibration rises consistently as you trust the loving voice of intuition. When you sense something with all your heart and soul, you move from believing to a state of knowing your own hidden treasure. This soul journey is ever-present as events unfold in different areas of your life.
Notions of success are all about being present in a given moment. As you shift consciousness, a given experience expands to take on greater dimension, significance and unexpected teaching roles. You never stop learning about the power of compassion and doing 'the right thing.' It accelerates vibration, frequency and the will to promote greater transparency. The experiment is your life. Notice what fuels your human journey under all mental activity.
At this moment, part of the mind is clear and part of it is not. You may still exert more energy than you need to in certain relationships or work situations. You tolerate more than successful people around you seem to and yet, you are discerning a growing capacity that is helping. You are realizing you need not lower your core energy vibration. This happens when you permit emotion to control you. To choose instead not to sacrifice creative self-expression will bring people into your life who raise your frequency. It is already happening. Success is reinfoced by energy to which you are receptive.