How do you chart your life?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 12:50AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness, Life Lessons, awareness

Many human beings get wrapped up in how to define their lives.  They attach to labels and create associations that further identify a kind of mental map. For some, the process is reassuring, at least at first.  For others, it is very confusing. How do you chart you life in meaningful ways?

1) Recognize that the essence of a meaningful life is not its direction, but how you live each moment the best you can.

2) Accept you have a unique tone, aura, personality and that all you do affects everyone consciously and unconsciously. 

3) Discern negative situations are fueled by powerful energetic charge, yet this is not you and never exists but in the mind.

4) Raise awareness that the only way to overcome perceived emotional pain is to be conscious and learn to see it as it is.

5) Come to see a complacent sense of identity often keeps the mind imprisoned and prevents full access to authentic power.

6) Embrace perceived imperfection as a part of life, a part of increasing self-love and unconditonal self-acceptance. 

7) Discern unwavering acceptance is the end of hope and fear, when illusions of past and future dissolve.  This is presence.

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