An intriguing statement caught my attention which introduces a new series on Discovery tv: on the evidence of one person, a jury can convict a man to death yet, when sightings concern the supernatural or alien encounters, even after thousands of people provide testamonials, the jury is still out on its verdict of the truth. What is your view?
One position is that only through gaining insight into the supersensible do the basic senses acquire meaning. That is, only by evolving to explore the inner parameters of the mind would you begin to grasp physical worlds have definite parameters.
You may think you must have heightened perception to believe this kind of thing is possible, and yet, that is not the case. It has been suggested anyone can decide to become a researcher of the senses. In fact, it may only require humility and reserve.
Why does Science as a community have to offer its blessing and be perceived as the authority fo all human knowledge? This would seem to create and perpetuate multiple levels of prejudice that prevent human beings from learning to evolve and experience higher realities for themselves. Explore a path to arrive at a satisfying explanation.