Hedgy situation
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 9:26AM
Liara Covert in Dream Analysis of the Week

Analysis of the week submitted by Sheryl in Berwick, Victoria, Australia.

Dream- My focus was on blue sky. I was flying with the current. I went up and down and flew over hedges with a sense of frustration.  They repeatedly appeared in my path.

Predominant Emotions- courage, determination, stubborness, ignorance, and fear.

Interpretation- Flying sensations remind how you value freedom.  You realize inner peace is within reach, but perceived reasons for melancholy distract you from new options.  Reflection will assist you to develop clarity and rise above what bogs you down. 

Hedges are like imagined boundaries you grow from within.  They represent restrictions and self-limiting beliefs that take root inside. You may seek to mitigate possible losses from a situation that keeps rushing back.  It may hit you like a shock of an electric current.  To evade or waffle what bothers you is an ineffective delay tactic.  What are you afraid of? Identify the root cause to rise above overwhelming emotions.

Reptition is a way the universe is drawing your attention to something. Either you aren't getting a valuable lesson or you haven't yet discerned an imbalance that requires a change of behaviour on your part.  You may postpone facing reasons for recent pain.

Note we're each on a path. Its normal to sense ups and downs.  This is your feeling gauge.  Feelings act as a reliable guide about what is working or isn't working in your life.  This vision invites you to give more serious attention to your life choices.  Reflect and review the implications of continuing as you have.  Obstacles suggest you may be misdirected, misguided or beating your head against a wall. Each experience is valuable.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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