Helen Keller & 3 reminders to raise you up
Monday, April 21, 2008 at 10:04AM
Liara Covert in Inspirational Mentors

Hellen Keller experienced an illness during infancy which left her blind and deaf.  She intially reacted to her circumstances wth anger, confusion and frustration.  She realized she seemed different than other people and assumed that silence and darkness were bad. 

As she began to face and listen her inner voice, she began to sense her fears were small and insignificant.  She stopped paying attention to beliefs that weren't to her advantage.  Like Helen, you have power to remind yourself how to raise your awareness:

1)  Uncover your own gifts and potential.  We each have a mind that can be educated, a hand which can be trained, and a path which is right to follow.  Only as you choose not to be controlled by negative emotions can you open up to inner treasures you overlook.

2) Tap into your true power.  Some people assume this simply means to have a dream.  Yet, the truth is found when you stop being ego-centered and self-absorbed.  To realize emotion distorts reality helps you transcend what isn't useful. Do you raise yourself up?

3) Value your imagination.  Your mind gives life to your beliefs.  In order to dissolve or release and unsuitable beliefs and create new ones, you benefit from exploring the power of your imagination to focus on the most meaningful concepts.  Insodoing, you develop the courage to embrace what matters and the determination to discard what doesn't. 

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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