Unbury the limiting ideas that keep you where you are
Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 10:40AM
Liara Covert in Self Improvement

Many people consciously repress thoughts and feelings that would cause them to alter behavior.  You may do this too.  You may sense thoughts that are incompatible or inconsistent with how you usually think or live your life.  As such, you are protecting the limiting beliefs that you hold and keep yourself where you are. What suggestions surface?

Your personal choices and experiences are grounded in your sense of limitations.  Many self-restricting beliefs go unnoticed.  Whenever you consciously dislike things, or sense and acknowledge discomfort, you are creating more of what you don't want.  Why is it you hesitate to open  up to experience or ideas that contradict your current beliefs? 

As you become more attuned to your thoughts, you will realize it is possible to create visions that are incompatible with how you feel.  You can decide it would be a good idea to go for a ride in a vehicle you have traditionally feared.  You can sign up to learn swimming, rock climbing, diving or any activity that forces you to take risks you have been avoiding.  If you decide to confront the source of your fears, whatever form they take, your mindset will begin to bring you different feelings and circumstances.

Realize your conception of reality is not reality.  Your beliefs are not reality. You imagine what you will experience before it happens and your assumptions are often unfounded.  You anticipate how you will feel based on conditioning.  You assume that you will feel pain when you stub your toe, and then you do.  You believe life must be better elsewhere and then feel unhappy wherever you are.  You imagine getting punished for a mistake and you're reprimanded.  You get what you ask for.  Will you let limiting beliefs get your goat? 

Consider if your life experience evokes mainly good feelings, and you encounter primarily encouraging and helpful people, then your beliefs would seem beneficial.  If you explore your subconscious with limiting belief though, you may perpetuate a vicious circle.

More specifically, if your mind dwells on reasons for poor health, complaints, reasons for dissatisfaction in areas of your life, sadness, doubt, cynicism and evil or negativity, these are signs you would benefit from examining the basis for your beliefs.  You are never at the mercy of events.  Real causes can be uncovered deep within your awarness.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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