Follow your intuition
Monday, April 14, 2008 at 2:13PM
Liara Covert in Success Principles

When did you last listen to a little voice inside you?  You know, the one that urged you to make a particular choice? Are you more likely to  ignore your impulses and take steps to convince yourself to do something other than what you want?  Maybe you arrive at a turning point and are working out what your dreams are and how they evolve with you?

We all know the feeling of, 'should I or shouldn't I?'  We create situations so we learn to make decisions.  What feels right now may not feel the same way at another point later on.   That's okay.  What we decide now reflects how we view ourselves at this moment. 

Do you consult people for advice and reassurance?  Do you trust your vibes? Do you question or doubt the direction that pulls or attracts you?  Some people seek other means of exploring their apparent hunches.  I know people who turn to tarot cards, pendulums, oracles and other tools as a way to seek spiritual guidance.  Some people believe connecting with Spirit is  like connecting with your Higher Self and sensing your intuition.

Remind yourself everything you do with intent will not always turn out as you assume.  Yet, heeding intuition always brings blessings in disguise.  As you choose to recognize something good in every situation, intuition helps you adapt to new conditions.

For example, I recently went o a local store to pick up an order and deliver it as part of service to a client.  I felt organized and efficient, well on my way.   Being a positive thinker, I felt in control of my task. Yet, not only was my order not ready, but a technician present said he would need another day to complete machine repairs.

Rather than get upset about what I couldn't control about service to my client, rather than run off in a frustrated and stressed state of mine looking for another way to get my order quickly from a different supplier, I briefly chatted with this technician about his work and mine.  My intuition told me to take a few minutes. During our chat,  I discovered his ex-wife works in an area that could benefit one of my businesses.   He made a simple comment in passing.  If I hadn't paid attention, I would've missed it. 

The next day, when I phoned the shop, an employee told me the technician was still working. I expressed the desire to contact his ex-wife about work and said I would call again later .  When I did, he had already gone.   However, he left his contact details for me.  By choosing to listen to my gut, my life unfolded differently than expected. Although I didn't initially get my order on-time, I tapped into a lead on a new contractor and positive development to one of my businesses.  Pay attention and expect the best. 

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