Seth & 3 ways to lift the wool from over your eyes
Friday, April 11, 2008 at 12:22PM
Liara Covert in Inspirational Mentors, conscious mind, grace, humans, inner dimensions, jane roberts, judgement, mercy, motives, seth, spiritual awakenings, trance, unlimited

Seth was the trance personality of Jane Roberts.  Together, they wrote many books. This classic source material reveals what is happening inside yourself.  Seth teaches we can discern that apparent physical facts stem from a deeper realm of creativity.

Spiritual awakenings, whether silent and subtle or dramatic and noticable, are deeply personal.  Seth explains that while awake and asleep, we are each expeiencing a spiritual transformation, even if we are unaware.  Each phase is unique and life-changing. 

1) Humans create their personal reality through conscious beliefs.  You are not as familiar with your thoughts as you think.  What appears to exist physically exists first in thought and feeling.  If you encounter obstacles, then its up to you to discover reasons behind them.  Simply take steps to explore the unlimited inner dimensions of the mind.       

2) Humans are not at the mercy of their subconscious.    If you don't appreciate your experience, then change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations.  Only when you refuse to take responsibility do you feel at the mercy of events. If you sense having control, this couldn't be further from the truth.  You persevere in your present course for reasons that used to make sense. Your job is to reframe present significance.

3) Humans are not forced to think in any particular way You are what you think about.  You have the will and inclination to move beyond the apparent barriers of your created experience.  Atoms, cells and every other part of you is aware.  All deep aspirations and unconscious motives surface for evaluation and judgment of the conscious mind.  You must find ways of adapting to your conditions.

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