To act on inner knowing or not?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 12:27AM
Liara Covert in Consciousness

You may not realize it, but what you will learn is far less important than why you are choosing not to act on what you have already learned thus far.  That's right.  Stop denying all those things that make sense.  Stop disregarding what you want. Cut it out!

Every moment of every day, you are discovering new things about your soul, how you have conditioned yourself to function and why.  Yet, you are not necessarily applying this knowledge.  You are not necessarily changing your thoughts and habits and patterns.  What is stopping you? More to the point, who is stopping you?

You are more than your body, more than your brain, more than the limits you have evolved to place on yourself.  Imagine how life would evolve as you choose to dissolve the parameters you have placed on how you think.   You already know the answer.  Why not go there?  Why hold yourself back?  Why hesitate from accepting and embracing the unthinkable? Because you can? Or, is your ego in charge?

The only struggles you experience are those you create.  We each have the creative power of the universe that works with us to reinforce what we already believe is real.  A true teacher teaches precisely what he discerns he must learn.   Work at your own pace.

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