What if your success is measured by pure joy?
Sunday, January 27, 2008 at 5:43PM
Liara Covert in Success Principles

Some people believe a sense of success is directly proportional to the joy you feel at a given time. That is, to develop conscious, deliberate awareness of what contributes to your joy shapes your perception of success.  You are free to choose your thoughts.  Discern whether your thoughts and beliefs are compatible and complimentary. 

Let's say its not physical objects or experiences that define your success.  Rather, its emotions evoked by the process and your visions of the way you would like things to be.  Your mind and physical body emit signals with intent.  You either adapt to align or do not align.  You either accept lulls and also temporary periods of satisfaction or, you take steps to better understand  what you want, why and how to generate good vibes more often.  If the latter would be your personal preference, where would you begin?

1) Raise awareness of your energy vibration. You may not yet really sense who you are, or where you're going.  You may not yet realize you are a vibrational being that attracts a vibrational reality.  Everything around you is energy.  Your focus determines what you attract.  To reconnect with who you are and understand the reasons that evoke joy within, you need to evolve to consciously perceive and align your vibrations. 

2) Connect with your non-physical, inner being. To connect with your soul will enable you to recognize your unconditional love, value and worthiness.  Your emotions are your guidance system.  How well you know yourself relates to how attuned you are to your emotions and the reasons that evoke them.  The intensity and frequency of your joy are vibrationally-related.  Nothing is more life-transforming than realizing where you are and how you feel differ from where you want to be and how you imagine feeling.  Choosing to re-align your energy means you begin to consciously accept who you are.  If you do not tend to this soul connection, nothing you do will create forms of success that satisfy you.

3) Learn to recognize when you are connected to your inner self.  How attuned you are to your thoughts influences how attuned you are to your feelings and whether or not they're vibrationally-compatible.  How you feel about your thoughts detemines what happens in your life.  To deliberately control feelings, means to mold your feelings, to make vibrational shifts up to more desirable levels.  Although other people may inspire or motivate you, only you can achieve conscious awareness of your feelings and inner being. You need is clarity of thought.   Beliefs and thoughts must become compatible.

4) Deliberately choose emotions that align you with your soul.  The sooner you realize when you are not aligned wiht positive emotions, the sooner you can take steps to change.  How you feel is your constant gauge of harmony or dischord with your desire or vision for success.  You can sense whether you lean toward abundance or whether negative emotions control you. If your belief isn't compatible with your desire, then you will not achieve it or experience joy.  Its not hard to activate beliefs that harmonize with your desires.  When you do, you will sense increased joy.

5) Relish the feeling of desire.  Through your interaction with contrast and variety, you envision and create new forms of joy.  Your habits of thought may differ greatly from the thought you decide you want.  Dominant, activated beliefs are what bring you more thoughts like it. The more you focus on a subject, the more you think, talk or, express feelings about it, the more active that vibration becomes, and the more similar thoughts and experiences are drawn to it.   Relish feelings you want to project and create them.


Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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