Rediscover the miracle you are and follow the thread
Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 2:32PM
Liara Covert in Consciousness

People believe in different kinds of miracles, but they are rarely aware of themselves as a walking miracle. In fact, many people laugh at the thought and may take much for granted. To view miracles merely as spectacles misunderstands their purpose. What if someone said your illusion wouldn't last? Nothing you see or believe means exactly what you think. Misperceptions appear and vanish, but only when you're ready.

As a child, the world around me taught me miracles were extraordinary things that only happened to other people. My older sister was born with a condition which caused medical specialists to marvel she was alive at all. To pray for her healing showed me I had a limited idea of what that meant. I assumed miracles bring my view of healing and new beginnings and learned miracles are also endings. My sister's abrupt passing revealed to me miracles begin as a state of mind. They shape how we perceive events and whether we permit fear and grief to control us. Miracles have the potential to awaken our spiritual awareness and increase inner strength.

As I grew older, I learned another lesson, that miracles could also describe something valued and lost yet, somehow got back. In my case, I reflect on an accident in my pre-teens. It led me to undergo reconstructive surgery. My healing and subsequent recovery inspired my deep gratitude for life. The true miracle was realizing my current features and what I had before the face cast weren't the real me. I grasped how our mind imagines nightmares and we can also free ourselves.

Still later in my life, I believed miracles were more or less defined by what we hope for. I didn't initially realize that consciously selected miracles could in fact be misguided. This was a period where I was focused on building a certain kind of career. Of course, not all of us get what we consciously wish for, but that doesn't mean you don't get what your soul desires. In my case, that was true love and a complete life transformation. Turns out I didn't know myself as well as I thought.  Not getting what we think we want can be a blessing in disguise. Real miracles are inspired by loving ourselves.  Self-acceptance invites new miracles.

As my consciousness evolved, I realized beliefs shape perception. No order or hierarchy distinguishes among miracles. Awarenss does.  Milestones of your life assist you to better get-to-know and love yourself. Everything that emerges from love is a miracle. The people and experiences you project, your feelings and intuition, tell you all you need to know. As you evolve, miracles seem experiences that prompt you to correct your own false thinking. Consider them golden opportunities to forgive yourself for being human.


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