8 Kahuna steps to heal & transform
Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 9:28PM
Liara Covert in Health & Healing

As the story goes, a highly-developed spiritual system called Huna emerged. This word means "secret" in Hawaiian. System leaders were Kahunas or "keepers of the secret." These priests, healers and prophets radiated distinct views. Their profound ability with invisible forces led to miracles. Rhonda Byrne referred to this concept in The Secret. People like Richard Webster apply more than intuition to such folklore.

The Kahunas believed we consist of three selves: the Low, Middle and High Self. Picture each of these selves like an invisible layer of energy with a thin, sticky film over it (aka). Each Self is inter-connected with the others and the physical body they serve. Imagine the analogy of layers of an onion or Russian dolls one inside the other, even partly transparent and intermingling.

The Kahuna ritual (Ha Rite) involves focusing on your Middle Self to decide exactly what you desire. As you do, the desire mixes with life force (mana) and is sent to the Low Self, to be grasped, transformed and passed on to your Higher Self, from where the idea will have consequences outside the Self. Faith and repetition are vital. Consider these 8 Kahuna steps and learn to effectively work your own miracles:

1) Visualize with intent. Go where you’re undisturbed. Think about your specific desire and its purpose. Imagine you already experience how fulfilling life is. Inhale consciously with a series of deep breaths. Allow your muscles to relax and exhale.

2) Regulate your breathing. As you relax, get up, stand with your feet about eighteen inches apart. If possible, continue deep breathing near a window or outdoors to strengthen your mana with fresh air. Exhale slowly. Listen to each breath. Realize it nurtures the three selves with symbolic life-sustaining energy.

3) Inhale abundance. Take four, slow, deep breaths. Inhale as much air as possible each time and hold it for a few seconds before exhaling and again, breathing slowly. Sense focus will generate a bountiful offering to the Higher Self.  Feel this life force filling your body and flowing out your head as if you were a container of water.

4) Align energy. Imagine a circle of radiant, white light. Feel its radiant warmth. Picture this in the area of your solar plexus. Sense how this burst of mana energy shoots upward through your chest, neck and head, to your High Self. This intensifying circle of vibrant energy above your head is your transformed offering.

5) Will your desire into the circle. Its crucial to remind yourself of your desire, why it drives you, and picture the circle of energy above your head. Keep this vivid desire in your mind as long as you can, while adding as much detail as possible. Believe with every fibre of your soul that you have what you are requesting.

6) Speak your desire aloud. Utter “I desire (whatever).” Explain why this request will harm no person or other creature. State you desire to attract this thing to you right at this very moment. Repeat this aloud three times consecutively.

7) Express gratitude. Its desirable to openly express thanks for the life you lead and all you have already learned. Say to whom and for what you're grateful and why. Be honest with yourself.  Don't hold back.  Speak from the heart.

8) Leave it to the High Self. End the ritual with positive feelings and a sense you've done what you can. No need to dwell on your desire. You’ve passed that hot potato to your High Self energy and it will reverberate. The how it will happen part isn’t up to you. We aren't  meant to be concerned with what the Higher Self will do next.

Article originally appeared on Inspirational Quotes, books & articles to empower you (https://blog.dreambuilders.com.au/).
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