Create your own road map
Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 2:02AM
Liara Covert in Success Principles

Whether or not we realize it, many people may influence our understanding of "success."  Consider how you view different areas of your life; personal, professional, spiritual, leisure, health and well-being, and others.  Each pursuit or project you undertake comes with conscious and unconscious hopes and dreams.  These goals and your view of a timeline, will assist you to create a sense of accomplishment.  People you meet and read about tend to shape your life. 

Whether or not you feel "successful" begins inside yourself, based on your own self-evaluation, judgement and level of self-acceptance.  To whom do you compare yourself to and why? People around you may ask you questions about what you do, how you live, why you feel as you do, and assess your success based on their knowledge and life experience.  Only you can determine what works for you.  Your view of success right now will differ from what it was and from what it will be.

Recognize somebody else's view of success will necessarily differ from your own because how you live your life is unique.  You may adopt similar end-goals to people you admire.  Yet, your milestones, your thought-process, your perception and attitude will always be your own.  Your choices will also be your own.  You create your own road map to success.  This will involve your desired 'pitstops' and learning curves.  All experience is worthwhile.  Many such memories are worth sharing.

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