Awaken your soul
Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 11:56AM
Liara Covert in Guardian Angels

Why is it that you may face a room full of boxes to sort though and find precisely what you're looking for inside the first or second box? Would you assume this was intuition, luck or, would you decide that you might have had some invisible help? Could this be the working of your guardian angel?  To dream of this kind of assistance coming to your aid at exactly the right time doesn't have to be 'out of this world.'  What would it take for you to believe everything happens for good reason?

To awaken your spirit  is to recognize that spirituality can take many forms and fulfill many different needs.  You can choose to explore your own spiritual life through meditation and solitude or by interacting with people  When was the last time you contemplated your values, reflected on why particular events unfold, or rekindled your own spirit? Its never too late to begin or to start anew.

Consider these questions to awaken your soul and conect with your guardian angel:

1) Identify your core values and when action proves you adhere or diverge.

2) Isolate experiences that make you feel more connected with things beyond you. 

3) Share your spiritual stories. 

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