Silence is golden
Friday, July 6, 2007 at 8:28PM
Liara Covert in Risk Taking

Take the risk to be still. Know provocateurs can't touch your inner peace unless you let them. Anyone can verbally attack another person. You may know a smart aleck or someone who would like to get your goat. Why permit that?

Anyone can be angry and express things with the aim of harming others. Anyone can be sarcastic, devalue and belittle people. Silence is a universal refuge, a place to ignore such behavior and project a very poignant reply to insults. Silence is a peacemaker.

It takes a warrior to be silent and to recognize the benefits and strategies of passive action. Silence is very powerful. Silence can also enable you to spread love, compassion and positive feelings that some adversaries wouldn't expect. Manifest and intend good things from inside you. This will set yourself free.

Silence is more valuable than you might think. Spiteful words can injure feelings, but silence can highly influence the soul. Have you ever thought that silence can actually be the loudest voice and leave the greatest impact?

Silence is a source of great strength. The best weapon against anger and volatility is silence. Why add fuel to a fire? Sometimes saying nothing is the best answer, the most compelling speech. Its not necessarily a reprimand, but can acknowledge the foolishness of certain acts that aren't worth your time or energy.

"The world would be much happier if men had the same capacity to be silent that they have to speak."   –Baruch Spinoza

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