Break your pact with defeat
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 at 9:07PM
Liara Covert in Education

As you realize you have lived and learned, how do you convince yourself that what used to motivate you hasn't lost its meaning? If these personal milestones are vital to your life, then they will not lose their meaning, so long as you continue to honestly focus on sources of motivation. 

Some people come to a point where they feel past challenges they met were not big enough or below expectations.  This may trigger a sense of regret or defeat for what wasn't done.  Its possible to continue appreciating what you have done after that chapter is over.  Its may be desirable to choose not to win when victory is possible.  You might ask what incentives exist for choosing defeat? What price would you pay for not being true to yourself?  Are you a prisoner of your own guilt?

What about distraction from things you don't choose to face? It might seem a cowardly move, but perhaps abandoning your dreams appeared agreeable somehow.  People have been known to deny or destroy what they love without logic or explanation.  Have you or anyone you know ever been that severe?  To sacrifice what you think you want most is only done for something you desire more. 

As of right now, if you believe in what you do and how you feel, then you will forgive yourself for anything that is past.  The most effective way to break you pact with defeat is to promise you will no longer reprimand yourself or choose to destroy your connection to sources of inspiration.  Rise above such self-betrayal. 

Embracing the truth will free you from the problems you have created for yourself.  Open your soul and listen to what it tells you about your dreams.  Tapping into your own courage will assist you to triumph over defeat.  Do those things that make life worth the effort.  Give yourself credit where credit is due.  Remind yourself you set the healing process in motion.

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