From the moment you consciously consider a choice, ask yourself honestly what you think may happen regarding different options. What kinds of messages does your body send? What sort of energy reverberrates through your soul? Does your heart race? Do you feel tense or calm?
Success is something that can be foreseen and measured, in part physiologically. As you evolve to detect even subtle nuances, you sense feelings in goosebumps, shivers and shakes. Your whole body is manifesting signs in your tone, word choices, and inclinations about the courses of action you should choose. What do you recognize? What do you choose not to recognize? Your mind takes selective issues into account, perhaps ruling out those choices other people wouldn't take.
Your physical reactions don't have a vindictive streak or a sense of win-lose perspectives. The function on their own frequency, in a realm of rationality. Did you ever wonder whether even the heart itself has a level of understanding of what is 'good for you' separate from a conditioned mind? Are you more apt to listen to your heart or mind? Perhaps you find a middle road or seek one now to reconcile diverging ideas of success.
Your notion of success is shaped by every choice you make, every thought you generate, every feeling you experience or, decide to repress. The more you permit your preferences, hopes and dreams to rise into conscious awareness, the more likely you will be to follow intuitive choices that you sense in many ways are the best ones for you, because of directions you think they take you.