Open those Pearly Gates
Friday, April 27, 2007 at 2:59PM
Liara Covert in Guardian Angels

It may all begin as a self-created dream, a perceived need for semi-divine messengers. These protectors or guides can appear in a timely fashion, to advise us during situations of confusion.  Since quantum physics explains 'object and observer' are connected, we're intricately joined to whatever we desire to see. Whether guardian angels are projections of our positive conscience or lower, basic instincts, encounters may challenge our psychic integration and orient our spiritual growth.

Why is it you're worst nightmare or greatest dreams may come true, or something in between? Whenever you think you may be the recipient of a godsend, a timely event or encounter which seems to arrive 'just in the nick of time,' it will relate back to a vision you had for yourself. Call it awareness of a goal or intention, a desire to invite or attract things you think you need.

You may crave certain kinds of personal relationships then, happen to meet that special someone quite unexpectedly. Did something beyond you hear your call? Read your deep thoughts? Perhaps you feel you need a dramatic experience to shake you up a bit. These need not be grand visions. Pearly Gates may open and send you an interpreter to assist you with judgment and prophecies.

Consider the idea that a parking ticket on the widshield of a normally-vigilent driver. Weeks later, this turns out to be the exact sum of money required to join an organisation of newfound interest. Was the ticket a heavenly sign of a forthcoming opportunity or, a warning of penitence to result from a future association? As our life choices seem to expand, we experience a far richer existence. Our soul's evolution on Earth follows a path which we can't predict.

To reclaim who you are, grasp why you see your reality, you may benefit from invisible help. A school-aged girl arrived home to encounter her cousin on the front porch swing. The girl entered the house to report the visitor, but was distracted by her sobbing mom. She told her daughter that her cousin had suddenly passed on that morning. She also warned the daughter to avoid the porch swing because it was broken.  Was the child's vision prophetic, a hallucination that resulted from her over-active imagination or, a reflection of deep spiritual connection?

You decide whether you perceive guardian angels , based on what you choose to see or, what you choose to disbelieve.  Your behavior and faith slants your percpetion of any heavenly tidings you may receive. Open your senses and gain access to a vision of the power behind the Pearly Gates and how it helps you. Tap into yourself.

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